Monday, January 13, 2014

Capstone poster pallete

Bad Critic-Hanna

  • Should maybe add more color variety, it does sort of look like Thanksgiving Colors
  • Thunderduck logo seems slightly out of place (because of the color scheme)
  • I don't think it really needs to say "yearbook" because that's pretty self explanatory.

good critic -Tsion

.very colorful, attention getting 
.the cover reflects the theme very well
. creative colors and designs 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Why did you choose your original historic photo?

What did you choose the historic photo for your final composite with your photograph?
I chose a popular picture of supermodel Cara Delevingne, in which she is standing with the paparazzi behind her, and so I added my self into the photograph as well. I really like Cara, and I think she is very cool, so I decided that being in a picture with her, would be historical, fun, and cool.

What challenges did you have?
I had the challenge of cutting myself out just right to match the original photograph. It kind of took a while. Also, I had a problem with matching my skin tone in the picture, to the skin tone of Cara in the original picture.

How successful was is? I think it turned out very well, it almost looks like I was actually there.

What era of "vintage" do you feel drawn to? I am very drawn to the 1970's. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Historic Photo

"You cannot use anything you don't make yourself"

"You cannot use anything you don't make yourself"

-I believe this statement is true, but at the same time, not entirely true. It basically depends on what you are using the item for. For instance, if it were to be used to show a friend or family member, it should be okay. Or if you use it for a school assignment which will only be between you and your professor. But, if it is being used in a competition, or in a situation that you may be considered the one who created it, than you may not use it. It isn't' yours, and it is not right for one to take someone else's work, and send it out to the world as their own. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Post Capstone Topic & Innovation. Idea or Invention

Topic: Children who get bullied for wearing glasses. & having bad eye sight.

My Capstone project will be focused on children who wear spectacles. Kids are constantly being bullied for having bad vision and wearing glasses, and I plan on helping them. I want to raise awareness over the topic, and help make these kids less insecure for having bad eye sight. I plan on creating an activity in which people can look through spectacles and view things from the point of view that a person with bad eye sight would see it. This would then raise awareness, and stop bullying from happening towards these kids. Also, I plan on interacting with people who wear glasses to let them know there is nothing to be ashamed of. I plan on also using my website that I have created in my fall IMED class.